viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014


¿Do you know what is the meaning of laugh or humour? It is a global issue, humour our day is very important because more people can feel unhappy, because they are not working...  It is necessary to laugh, laugh a lot, to have good humour in our lives. 
When a person is laughing he feels strong. Humour binds people. In my view, when you see a person roaring laughter is because they are happy in him lives. If you laugh, you are happy, you are in a good mood. Huomur is a key to relax and recharge our mind, and you forget all the problems, when we are overwhelmed.

I also think that it is priceless when you see a little child smiling, is ignorance. Moreover, laughter enables bonds. When you smile is all.

Finally, you should try to laugh, smile... And make sure you transmit happiness to all exclusively to poor children.

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